This particular quote was expressly troublesome:
"To know that we know what we know, and that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge," said Confucius.
Two words: Shut the fuck up. This shitty piece of "wisdom" is a prime example of an entire collection of soul-crushingly meaningless quotes that have been excreted by various bearded imbeciles, often deemed "philosophers," in the history of our species. None of these quotes mean anything; they just confuse the shit out of the reader and often leaves him/her in intellectual paralysis that leads, finally, into acceptance and glorification of the quote as absolute ingenuity. Any dumb person could throw together a brain-splitting series of subtle contradictions, syntax errors, and trivial circumstantiality and come off as profoundly intelligent. Even truly genius individuals in history have been whorified: their words fallen victim to the disjointed service of the general people's fetish for quick and clever solutions of word and not deed. This is the appalling nature of philosophical "reasoning"; it seems to disconnect the very virtue it was intended to provoke: real thought. People don't think about their problems anymore, they just attribute the solution to some all-encompassing piece of philosophical garbage, usually clever subtleties torn out of their intellectual context.
During this last week was a "game" which Mr. Manno arranged intending to teach us of the legislative conflict that ensued with Westward migration and the Industrial Revolution. First of all, calling it a game in the first place was a mistake. Games are fun. It wasn't even remotely thought provoking; the same 3-4 points intemperately regurgitated ad infinitum by a buttload of dumbass people, I'm afraid, does not constitute a very intellectual atmosphere. I understood more in the 2-minute overview Manno gave before class ended. Frankly I was shocked as to the incredible enthusiasm and the absurdly uncynical submission on the part of the other students towards the "purpose" of the activity. Are these people serious? They were actively and lustfully participating and, I shit you not, I even saw one girl on the verge of tears when the North's legislation didn't pass. I couldn't even bring myself to say a word even within my own group for fear that I'd fornicate my own self-respect.
Today in Church was the official membership recognition of several individuals that had been a part of the congregation for some time. So the lady in charge of the wingding was spewing out one of those bogus "Welcome, we're glad to have you" speeches. That's one of the things about Church that never fails to get me; how some people act like Mother Theresa or something during those 2 hours in which they're in Church and treat everybody like clumps of bum turd the rest of the week. Anyway back to the speech. She said something about how it can always be anticipated when babies are made, but it's always a surprise when there are new members for the congregation. Some crap like that.
But at hearing about babies being planned, one of the women being recognized ejaculated a loud "Well, not always," followed by a triumphant wide-mouthed chuckle, which was shot down by the uncomfortable looks from the congregation. And my unrestrained snort. Who says that? So anyway that was followed by an uncomfortable silence on behalf of everybody in the sanctuary and the "joke" was altogether ignored.
Yeah so that was interesting.
On Thursday there was an assembly to "commemmorate" the importance of Veteran's day. So Mrs. McCallister had organized a nice program in which students would be enlightened with a full range viewpoints as to understanding military service, from individuals that had served in the military. Some of the more conservative members couldn't "attend," Mrs. McCallister said. She might as well have honestly said, "We didn't invite them." Anyway, half of these guys looked like hippies, one of them was high on crack, and one of them had never even fought in a war. That's the part that really bugged me. This shithead that had never done active military service was admitted as someone who could provide an "experienced" perspective of what it's all about. And that bastard was sitting there giving us a load of statistics about why the administration is evil. Damn Liberals.
See this is the problem with this obsession with liberalism and individualism. The problem is that 99% of the human population is, frankly, too dumb to actively be individuals. The fact of the matter is that most of us are dummies. Think about it, there are at the least 100 goths, 100 jocks, 1000 gangstaz, 5 fake homosexuals, 50 sixties' flashbackers, and various chains of self-perceived princesses that label themselves as "hoes" on their Myspace group pictures - that all think they're highly individual and special. It's all just a way to celebrate mediocrity. All you really have to do is walk a couple miles down to Encinal and you've basically doubled your population of numbheads. Stupidity is the abusive mother of individualism.
What's up with the sharpies?