During this last week was a "game" which Mr. Manno arranged intending to teach us of the legislative conflict that ensued with Westward migration and the Industrial Revolution. First of all, calling it a game in the first place was a mistake. Games are fun. It wasn't even remotely thought provoking; the same 3-4 points intemperately regurgitated ad infinitum by a buttload of dumbass people, I'm afraid, does not constitute a very intellectual atmosphere. I understood more in the 2-minute overview Manno gave before class ended. Frankly I was shocked as to the incredible enthusiasm and the absurdly uncynical submission on the part of the other students towards the "purpose" of the activity. Are these people serious? They were actively and lustfully participating and, I shit you not, I even saw one girl on the verge of tears when the North's legislation didn't pass. I couldn't even bring myself to say a word even within my own group for fear that I'd fornicate my own self-respect.
lol :]
k*kari, at 5:57 PM, November 19, 2005
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