It has been brought into sharp relief that more and more Asian people now congregate in the hallways with little discretion of any traffic they may be blocking. What the hell man? It's like trying to make it through the Great Wall of China every time I turn a corner. Just the other day I saw a legion of freshman Chinese kids sitting around in a circle, simultaneously eating porkbuns, discussing manga, and selfishly loafing about half the breadth of the hallway. How am I supposed to live with that kind of shit going on? I think it's time for the management to take corrective measures. I can see it: "Every violation of the inalienable right of free hallway passage will result in a fine of one eggroll." I'll have to admit that it's a bit harsh, but this is America: the land of the free hallways. Such were the statutes established by our forefathers; "Of liberty I would say that, in the whole plenitude of its extent, it is unobstructed hallways according to the will of the people," wrote an inspired Thomas Jefferson.
Chris's foot forcefully met with poor Ryan's ding-Dongs. An expression that can only be consummately explained by "Ae#@E!opFg" shot across Ryan's face as he clutched himself and fell over, and the rest of us watched in silent horror and disbelief, and eventual doubt as to whether it would be alright to laugh. Ryan, needless to say really, was not having a great time. He remained utterly speechless for a duration of 30 minutes, sitting miserably contorted in his chair and staring into space. He didn't show up to school on Friday. Chris, I know you're reading this, and I want you to know that you have a black heart (no pun intended). Anyway, Friday was the assembly, and I didn't get nearly as nervous as I imagined - so that was good.
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