Friday, July 22, 2005
WTF is happening to TV?

Today, we will examine several God-awful TV shows and genres of commercials that plague my Summer TV-watching experience. The seriousness of the situation is reflected in the fact that, at times, I've even opted to reading a goddamned book instead of watching TV.

1. The View
ABC's The View is a "chatfest, featuring a team of five dynamic women of different ages, experiences and backrounds." ( However, to call this show crap, would be raising it to an unjustifiable level of decency. The View has failed miserably at its attempt to bring pride to the role of women in American Society; however, it has brought under the magnifying glass the characters of 5 women who have, after attaining substantial accomplishments in their lives, ironically come together to imply that women are a gossipy, shrieking, and intellectually incapable lot of repulsive femmes. They sit there doing nothing but discussing their bigoted, petty intolerances ubiquitous of the celebrity life. Not entertainment. Not a portrayal of feminine pride; rather human egotism.

2. Jerry Springer
What a great show, huh? With bouts of butt-ugly women rendering about as much cleavage as Pamela Anderson on a night prowl, heaps of lowlife men that have nothing better to do than impregnating those ugly women aforementioned, innumerable "bleeps", cat-fights between ugly women, who's-the-real-father tests, nauseating stories of pedophilia and incest, unnecessary and equally undesirable nudity, and interracial gay/lesbian action, who can't have fun? Disgusting. You have to ask yourself, how does a character such as Jerry Springer sleep at night?

3. Pizza/ Home Maintenance (IE. Glade) / Child Nutrition Commercials
I'm not sure if you've noticed this or not, but every pizza commercial is centered around the male sex. There's usually the college-attending guy, working at a pizza place because he's poor as hell and desperate for money. Otherwise, there's a sportsfreak middle-aged couch-potato man, married, with a strange fetish for excessively meaty pizza. The Home Maintenance commercials usually feature an idealized image of middle-aged yet good-looking women as the protectresses of the home, standing by 24/7 to protect the home from bad odors and stains. The child nutrition ads are similar, only the woman is about 20 years old and extremely good-looking, and the kid's at least 7-8 years old (thats gross), happily munching/sipping/both on some obviously disgusting nutritional supplement.

4. Quasi-legal Medicine Advertisements (Zantrex 3!) / Paid Programming
"Lose 300 pounds in a day!" And then of course there's someone, dressed up as a doctor, to certify the medical credibility of the product and then assure that they themselves use the product regularly.

5. Day-time Soaps
I've never entirely watched a complete episode of a soap opera. But since the 2nd grade or so, I've combined many bits of information to acquire a pretty damn good idea of what a soap opera is. In a soap opera, there's always someone in court, there's always someone in jail, there're always two people having unwarranted sex, there's always a divorced couple that's obviously going to get back together, there's always someone, after having a terrible accident, in the hospital with someone else standing over them about to cut the oxygen line for revenge.